Barista Blend

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A special blend of Robusta Coffee from parts of Cavite and Arabica Coffee from Benguet that creates a bold and bittersweet flavor with smooth mouthfeel.

Bo's Coffee Barista Blend combines the full-bodied intensity of Robusta with the sweet delicate flavors of Arabica, resulting in a perfectly balanced cup.

Ingredients: 30% Arabica, 70% Robusta

Roast: Medium Dark Roast

Flavor Profile: Bold and bittersweet flavor with smooth mouthfeel. With Notes of Nuts, chocolates and caramel

Body: Medium Bodied

Acidity: Low Acidity

Complimentary Food Flavors: Nuts, chocolates and caramel

Size: 250g

Note: Cebu offers Whole Beans with Free Grind on nearest Stores.

Drip Coffee - Use 1 tbsp of ground coffee per 170 ml of water

Manual Pour Over - Use 10g of freshly ground coffee per 170 ml of water

Fine Grind - For a double shot, use between 18g to 21g of coffee

Storage: To preserve the freshness, taste and scent of freshly ground coffee, store in an airtight container and consume within 2 weeks after grind.